The success of our business is dependent on many different facets and the Company appreciates that Corporate Social Responsibility plays a key role. Apex Stainless recognises its responsibility to engage professionally and ethically with all stake holders, including employees, customers, suppliers, the general public and the communities where we work. The Company is committed to acting ethically and responsibly in all business relationships and dealings.
Apex’s Company Policies and Group Policies are available for download here
The core principles are grouped into the following areas:
Helping the environment and sustainability
To continue to confront and minimise the environmental issues faced and to develop practices that will reduce our environmental footprint. By promoting best practice Apex Stainless will help customers and suppliers understand the impact that their decisions make on the environment, and the Company shall work to enhance the sustainability of its products, encourage usage and to maximise recycling of the product such that more than 90% of stainless steel continues to be collected and recycled at the end of its useful life.
Apex’s Company and Group Environmental Policies are available for download here
Promoting equal opportunities
Apex Stainless Fasteners is committed to equality of opportunity in all aspects of employment and have policies and procedures to ensure the same treatment for all employees.
Equal Opportunities and Dignity at Work Policies are available for download here
Promoting Health and Safety
The Company will ensure that regularly monitored policies and procedures are in place to protect people against risks to health and safety arising out of all areas of work.
HSE and Total Quality Management Policies are available for download here
Supporting the community
Apex Stainless believes it can make a difference by supporting charities and community events and acting sensitively to the needs of the communities where we operate. The Company will work to provide industry related events and also to provide work experience, including placements, in order to help create opportunities for employees, customers, stakeholders and the wider community.
Valuing our people
The Company is committed to the development of its employees and to providing a highly motivated team-working environment that actively supports learning and development, based on an equal opportunities policy to ensure fair treatment of all staff.
Working together
Apex Stainless Fasteners actively seeks feedback and will work through a culture of honesty and transparency to promote greater efficiencies and deliver customer satisfaction. Honesty and fairness is sought in all dealings with customers and suppliers.
These Principles have been endorsed by the Board of Apex Stainless Fasteners Limited and are regularly reviewed.